Comprehensive Solutions for Thriving Cell Cultures
Discovery requires a solid foundation. From cell preparation and growth to investigation and analysis, our comprehensive portfolio provides the quality and consistency to ensure meaningful, reproducible results.
Advance your research with consistent and comprehensive cell culture solutions.
Establishing a successful culture begins with preparing cells and media with the highest standards. Count on our extensive collection of validated cell lines, high flowrate filtration systems, and diverse cryopreservation products to set up your cell culture for success.
• Cell Lines & Primary Cells
• Accountably-sourced FBS and other sera
• Sterile Filtration
• Quality media and supplements
• Cell Freezing Solutions
• Lab Water Purification

Creating conditions similar to those that exist in vivo is essential for cell culture. To ensure a consistent environment throughout your experiment requires well characterized materials and highquality products. From sterile media and reliable sera, to cell culture inserts and flasks, we have the tools to help you optimize cell growth.
• Liquid Media
• FBS and Other Sera
• Supplements/ Growth Factors
• Specialty Culture Inserts and Plates
• Essential Millipore® and Corning® Cultureware

Researchers need state-of-the-art reagents and tools to understand and quantify cell health and function. From counting to live imaging, our wide range of advanced technologies will help you analyze faster, with greater precision, and with more insight into cellular processes.
• Scepter™ 2.0 Handheld Cell Counter
• CellASIC® ONIX2 Microfluidic Live Cell Imaging System
• Dyes and fluorophores for live cell analysis
• Cellular assays for viability, toxicity, migration, oxidative stress,
and more
• Antibodies rigorously validated for diverse applications

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12351 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Virginia Warehouse
13894 Redskin Drive
Building 6
Herndon, VA 20171
258 Lindbergh Avenue
Livermore, CA 94551
New Mexico Branch
2701 Broadway, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Tennessee Branch
10903 McBride LN
Knoxville, TN 37932