Katanax® Electric Fusion Fluxers for XRF, AA and ICP Analysis
Versatile, Compact and Safe. The Fusion Fluxers That Expand with Your Needs.
About Katanax
Katanax®, an Antylia Scientific company, has been creating high quality, electric fusion equipment for over a decade. Our fully automated electric fluxers are designed to prepare glass disks (beads) for XRF, or solutions for AA and ICP, including peroxide and pyrosulfate fusions. Our fluxers combine exceptional fusion accuracy with all the advantages of electric power, speed, simplicity, and a robust design for the experienced or novice user.
X-300 Electric Multi-position Fusion Fluxer
The Katanax X-300 Fusion Fluxer is the next generation in electric fusion offering new enhanced features for unparalleled results. This multi-position fluxer is available as a one, two, or three-position unit. This next generation fluxer is the most versatile and easily adapts to the needs of today’s modern laboratories.
Typical samples include soil, alloys, slag, minerals, ceramics, glass, and cement.
- Patented high performance furnace with heating elements impervious to flux
- Integrated auto-locking safety shield for user protection
- Configurable, easy-clean, ceramic mold holders for 30 mm, 32 mm, 35 mm, or 40 mm molds
- Low noise level during heating, melting, and standby
- Extraction chimneys allow for direct ventilation of halogens from each crucible position
- Control panel adjusts to user’s height and features a USB connection for firmware updates
X-600 Six Position, Electric Fusion Fluxer
Built with the most demanding lab in mind, the Katanax X-600 Fusion Fluxer is the next generation in electric high throughput fusion offering new enhanced features for unparalleled results. It is used to prepare glass disks (beads) for XRF analysis and solutions for AA and ICP analysis or for preparing peroxide and pyrosulfate fusions. This unit allows you to run up to six samples simultaneously for high throughput applications with all the same features as our X-300 units but with increased sample output.
The FluxPenser® is a flux dispensing machine that automatically calculates and accurately dispenses the required amount of flux to the sample. The use of the FluxPenser in your lab will increase the efficiency, precision and reproducibility of your sample and flux weighing.
- Zero-touch operation for flux dispensing and one-touch operation for ratio mode
- Sample can be added directly to the bottom of the crucible or in a sandwich of flux to facilitate mixing
- The FluxPenser® has two operating modes:
- Mode 1 (Absolute Mode): for high accuracy flux dosing and weighing
- Mode 2 (Relative Mode): for automatic flux dispensing to obtain a desired flux/sample ratio. The resulting sample is layered with flux to facilitate mixing and protect platinumware.
- Adjustable dispensing parameters (speed & precision) for flux type
- For use with many types and forms of flux for optimal flexibility

We supply the platinumware you need to process your samples. Our platinum crucibles and molds are available as standard or reinforced varieties. Various mold sizes are available including 30 mm, 32 mm, 35 mm, and 40 mm.

Katanax offer a full range of high-quality fusion fluxes in addition to its product line. We can now provide our customers with lithium borate fluxes that present the following features: outstanding purity, micro-bead form, pre-fused beads, and optional non-wetting agent added.

We are pleased to announce an updated scientific reference book entitled “Physics and Chemistry of Borate Fusion”. The book is a complete resource for fusion techniques and methods.
What is Fusion?
Fusion is a technique used to prepare inorganic samples, with a view to analyze them by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma (ICP), atomic absorption (AA), or any traditional wet chemistry method. Typical samples include cements, ores, slag, sediments, soils, rocks, ceramics, pigments, glasses, and even metals. A fusion can produce either a small, homogenous glass disk (or “bead”) for XRF, or an acid solution for other analytical methods.

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