LabX™ Balance Software
Digitalization of Your Weighing Tasks
LabX™ Balance software integrates fully with laboratory information systems, such as LIMS and chromatography software, and enables a seamless flow of data throughout the entire analysis workflow. LabX™ sends your weighing results directly to where the weight values are required for subsequent analyses and ensures traceability back to the starting point.
Automate your tedious weighing tasks, such as sample and standard preparations, increase throughput and reduce cost per sample.
Start Your Digital Task at the Automatic Balance
LabX™ Balance software guides you through SOP workflows on all connected balances, including the XPR Automatic Balance, to ensure every operator follows the same procedures. It allows you to easily tailor each method to your requirements.
Minimize mistakes and calculation errors – let LabX perform all calculations automatically and immediately receive confirmation that your results meet the specified process tolerances.
Design weighing methods and access them with just one click. User guidance on the balance display is intuitive, reducing time-consuming user training to a minimum.
Automatic Documentation and Comprehensive Reporting
All weighing data, including metadata, is automatically stored in a centralized database at the time of creation. Installing LabX™ in your laboratory reduces the time necessary for manual data recording and eliminates the risk of transcription errors.
With LabX™ Balance software, you’ll be audit-ready anytime: Access your data 24/7, from anywhere, and generate customized reports tailored to your needs. The software helps you meet FDA ALCOA+ requirements for data integrity.
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ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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